Guest Post – Write To Our Site

Effective as of 7:04 pm

Hello Friends, Howdy! I am really happy to see your interest in the Guest Post Write to our site pages.

You can take our help to grow up your website distance. We have given you the opportunity to publish your own posts on our site and use your Backlink.

If you want to publish your guest post on our website, you have to pay me some money, then your guest post will be published on our site.

Now can you tell me why I will take the money from you?

There is a big reason behind this, when a post is published at no cost, a lot of people will start publishing unnecessary posts on our site, so I will charge you a small amount of it.

Guest Post Fee:

» To publish a $5 post. Buy Now
» To publish five (5) posts $10. Buy Now

» After the post published, If you want it will be kept in the sidebar for 4 months, for which you have to pay $35. Buy Now

If you want to buy Guest posts but the problem is to pay money from PayPal or Credit-Debit Carts. Then contact us if you want to buy it by transferring money from bKash or Dutch Bangla Bank.

Once the money sending is completed you will get a guest post link, to post your article on our site. Keep the link in a safe place for the next posts.

One thing to keep in mind, when you publish a new post, you must use your transaction name at the end (?) So that I understand you have bought guest posts.

Guest Posting Rules:

Your post must be software related. We will publish it only if it should be in the Bengali font or an English article, if there are any important English words, you can write to them only in English.

    • Articles and videos can also be added.
    • The posts minimum of 300 words.
    • It is very important to have an image in the post.
    • Keep in mind that the image should not be stolen from anywhere, only use a copyright-free image.
    • At the end of the post, make a small description of your Bio and Blog.

If you need an example of such content, then you can read the already published blog posts on the

If you want to write an article related to blogging, please contact here WPbloc Tips & SEO

Recommended eBook: Get It

If you will write a post according to our rules, your tab will be published on our blog.

If you have any more questions, then please contact us.

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